The Trustee Fee Effective October 1, 2023:
9% Disbursement will take place on the first Wednesday of the month.
Any adjustments to this schedule will be posted on the Disbursement Calendar. |
disbursement calendar
courtroom practices
Document Submission and Deadlines
Financial Documents and OCP Submission information:
Redaction Requirements
Please redact social security numbers, dates of birth, any dependent information and bank account numbers before submitting Tax Return documents to the Trustee. |
341 First Meeting of Creditors
All materials required by LBR 2003-2(c) should be submitted no later than 14 days prior to the 341 Meeting pursuant to the deadline in the rule.
Confirmation Hearing
Last minute Orders Confirming Plan will be accepted no later than 4:30 pm on Friday prior to the hearing. All other documents related to Confirmation should be received by our office no later than 4:30 pm on Monday of the week prior to the hearing.
Please refer to each Judge's Case Management Order for additional deadline information. Disbursement
Every effort will be made to process all documents that are received in our office seven business days prior to disbursement. |
Office of the Chapter 13 Trustee, Krispen Carroll26999 Central Park Blvd. Suite 125N
Soutfield, MI 48076 313-962-5035 |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court211 West Fort Street
Detroit, Michigan 48226 313-234-0065 |